Monday, 12 April 2010

Butterflies Aplenty!

A day when butterflies took the eye.

12th April. Having been round to the Killy Arms to reserve a table for participants on an after patch walk dinner this coming Saturday, I took a roundabout walk down to the lake with expectations of seeing at least growing numbers of Swallows. Despite the sun it was deceptively chilly down there. I found only one solitary Swallow! I did eventually confirm that one of the Great Crested Grebes is on the nest and in fact has been for several days now. The other pair don't seem to have taken matters that far yet.
It had been butterflies that took the eye today with numbers of Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell on the wing. Although still very flighty, one of the peacocks seemed to take a liking to me and once it saw I was not out to eat it, kept returning and settling close by me. The Tortoiseshells were a little more difficult but one of them did eventually settle near me at the side of the lake. Whilst I find butterflies can try the patience when one is trying to get a decent sighting, there are days and times when some species are very enquisitive and can often be easily approached.
Lots of warblers about now and today I heard the unmistakable alarm call of a Blackcap, in the same large garden as I had heard the Willow Warbler yesterday.


  1. Hi Brian
    Without giving too much information is the nest possibly on the smaller lake? I did have the two GCG's breast to breast on Saturday morning presenting each other with some reeds.

  2. Hi John

    Yes it is. I don't think I'm giving anything away as the G C Gs nest on the lake each year and this is commonly known. I'm pleased to say that even with a school almost next door I can't remember seeing any birds disturbed by the youngsters (touch wood). Now dog owners letting their dogs bathe in the lake is a different matter, but I best not get on my hobby horse about the unthinking minority! Cheers Brian.

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