Sunday, 29 July 2012

Jumper, Skipper and Tern

29th July.  Having been on patch with Sam a couple of days ago I knew it was quiet although we have been keeping a close eye on one or two developments.  We decided to try for butterflies.  The sun was out and this in mid to late afternoon meant that the Small Skippers and Meadow Browns were mobile and not allowing a decent chance of photographs.  The Frog was a little more obliging, at least it was eventually after much jumping about.

Common Blue Damselfly
I took an early morning stroll down to the lake today and found a Grey Heron on the floating ‘thing’ and unperturbed by my presence.  The base of the floating reed-bed is just an eyesore now and has been bent and twisted since the high waters in the past few weeks.  The Coots are still managing to nest there.  The Greylag Geese which raised young here last year gave up the ghost this time around.

Grey Heron
There were ten Common Terns flying up and down the lake and giving the chance of further practice with the camera.  Swallows and House Martins were well out numbered, as they have been most of the summer, by approximately twenty/twentyfive Swifts.  I’d heard on the radio that many Swifts have left the U K and the bad weather behind them.

Common Tern

It was still early so I walked across in the hope that the Small Skippers might be still quite settled and I timed it well.  There is quite a number of them now although I still haven’t seen any Burnet Moths.  A few other insects were showing.  After a while the heavens opened as if to remind me that it was summer!  I got the cover onto the camera bag and sheltered under a tree for a while.  With the rain continuing to pour I decided I’d had my fill and made for home.

Small Skipper Butterfly

Just thought I'd give the post title an Olympian feel in the event (if you'll excuse the unintended pun) of anyone not getting enough.


  1. Could have used (frog)hopper skipper and jumper ! ,no birding for me since Friday feels like weeks !!!

  2. It's nice seeing smaller wildlife enlarged. Your macro lens was worth the cash!

  3. I should have thought of that Brian.:-)
    Good to see the structure of the insects Mark.
    I've managed to get out again today and miss some more of the Olympics!!! Roll on the football season.:-)

  4. Yep, it's best to just take in the Olympics in smallish doses, lol.

    Yeah I love the structure of the Common Blue Damselfly. The close-ups allow you to appreciate insects more I think. Most ignore them because they are barely seen, lol. (Or so it seems anyhow).
