A muddy walk!
I paid a visit to Bedlington Country Park this morning taking the chance to suss it out for a future group local walk. The place does seem to have potential, but having become bogged down in mud, I think a little later in the year may be better!
There wasn't too much about in truth. Great Tit, Coal Tit, Blue Tit and Long Tailed Tit around in some number with a good deal of Wren song again. The highlight of the day was the two Common Buzzards. I heard them mewing and when I took a look across the fields they showed well flying around the tree tops. I recall the only other birds seen were Wood Pigeon, Blackbird and Chaffinch.
On returning to the car-park a Grey Wagtail flew up the River Blyth and a Treecreeper was seen in the trees near to the bird feeders. A stop at the Rising Sun Country Park for a spot of business brought a sighting of Lesser Black Backed Gull, a very smart bird in my opinion.
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