19. We begin with a quiz. Can you name the newspaper responsible for
the following headline on the internet?
Painted Lady Butterflies are spotted across the UK for the first time since
2009 as they begin their once in a decade migration.
Yes, yes,
you all have it correct. It is of course
the Daily Mail! Three errors in one
sentence implies a teeny-weeny bit of lazy reporting, and I use the term
reporting deliberately rather than journalism.
To be fair, the article did include photos of butterflies and
surprisingly they were Painted Lady Butterflies. However, it is little wonder a great many of
the population of the UK remain ignorant on the facts of the natural world when
we have headlines such as this. For the
record, for anyone not au fait with butterflies, the Painted Lady is not a rare
butterfly, it appears in the UK each year (this year just happens to be a
bumper one) and it migrates each year.
If you want to know more stay clear of Daily Mail reports! There is plenty of more reliable information
on the internet.

I’m sure
many of you have been and still are enjoying the spectacle of the mass influx
of Painted Lady Butterflies, the largest influx since 2009. I believe the previous good year for
this species prior to 2009 was 1996.
The Painted
Lady Butterflies have been on my Buddleia for over a week now and whilst I
don’t claim to have had 125 which reportedly appeared on a bush at St Abbs, nor
the swarm that flew over the Farne Islands, I did have 15 of them at one time
on a bush along with Large White, Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral and
Comma. This of course gave an excellent
opportunity for photography and I thought I would share some of my images with
you. I certainly do not recall seeing so
many Painted Lady Butterflies in 2009, but I didn’t have the Buddleia

visiting in North Shields I found several more (double figures again) of the
species on another Buddleia. This all
gave me the chance to enlighten at least three people regarding the migration
of Painted Lady Butterflies from northern Africa. They didn’t seem as impressed with the feat
as I thought they ought to have been. In
the course of another conversation whilst lurking at the Buddleia, I learnt
that my neighbour had found a Hawkmoth in her child’s bedroom during the hot
weather and I was a bit jealous of that and not having been able to photograph
it. From the way my friend’s hands were
held apart I began to wonder if in fact, it had been a juvenile Pterosaur. The lady’s partner also informed me that his
brother is into nature photography, so that was pleasing to hear. Two days before when temperatures were high
and I stood burning near the garden, a swarm of bees flew directly above my head,
thankfully not landing on it. Don’t let
anyone tell you that you must be in the countryside to enjoy wildlife and
nature as it’s simply not true.

I used my
macro lens for the first two images shown here otherwise they were taken with
my 100-400mm lens whist attempting some variation to the resulting image. The underwing of the butterfly is often as
interesting to me as the upper-side and if taken with back lighting can often
give the impression of stained glass (to my eye anyway) and if you have read my
blog over the years you may remember that I have some interest in stained glass
windows in particular.
I have a
collector’s copy of David Measures Butterfly Season 1984 and initially I
didn’t rate the paintings too highly.
However, over the years I have come to appreciate that colour and
movement expressed in paintings is as important, if not more so, than the
expression of a detailed and exact
depiction of the butterfly. Perhaps I
can use that to explain some of my less than sharp images!
I know there
will be many an image of Painted Lady Butterflies about at present, but hope
that you enjoy the ones I have added anyway.