One of the great pleasures of bird watching is coming across
the unexpected, especially when such moments can be shared with a like minded
person. Earlier in the year Sam and I
had been talking about Hen Harriers after Sam had been lucky enough to watch a
ringtail flying close by an Osprey nest in Scotland. His experience had made me a little envious
(harriers are my favourite species along with owls, this week anyway :-)),
although Sam was still anxious to see his first male Hen Harrier. I didn’t think he would have too long as I
felt he would come across a male sooner than later when in Scotland. This week I have experienced one of my best
ever sightings of a male Hen Harrier
and I’m pleased that I was able to share the experience in Northumberland with
Sam. Certainly having watched the bird
at length (Sam was able to get a number of record images), it is one of my top
ten birding experiences of the year.
Because of the delicate nature of this species plight, I have decided
not to use the image on my blog that Sam passed to me, but rather use an image
that shows exactly how Sam felt having found such a magnificent species. As it happens we are attending a talk in
November given by the RSPB concerning the ‘Skydancer
Project’ and Hen Harriers. I wonder
how many people in England
who are not keen birdwatchers are actually aware of the ‘Skydancer Project’. In fact
I bet there are a few keen birders who aren’t that clued up!

Just seen a Hen Harrier!
26th Oct.
It was the local group annual trip to Holy Island
today and although cloudy as we left the city, the torrential downpour of the
previous evening was behind us. The
clouds thinned as we approached the island and the light seemed to be
immediately above it. I felt it was
going to be another atmospheric trip to one of the most atmospheric areas in
We’d counted over one hundred Pheasants as we headed north and also caught site of a covey of six
Grey Partridge. We crossed the still wet causeway and found a
Merlin sitting on top of a
post. Waders fed nearby the causeway as
the tide withdrew. Once out of the coach
members were soon watching a Great Spotted Woodpecker in the trees by the
coach-park. Unfortunately Sam and I
couldn’t sight it, but once around the corner and heading into the village we
had two Great Spotted Woodpeckers on the stone wall close by
us. We headed for what we know from
experience is a good vantage point across the bay.
A very confiding Robin
The atmosphere now was increasing, with the sounds of
calling Grey Seals beginning to lie
out on the wet sands, and calling Eider
Ducks. The white shape of swans in
the distance soon grabbed our attention and we found that we had eight Whooper Swans. A great start for Sam who had his favourite
species right away. What seemed to be
the entire island population of Brent
Geese soon had our attention and although distance and light made it
difficult to confirm, we are quite sure that there were some dark bellied sub
species in amongst the large numbers of pale bellied sub species. Small skeins of the Brents flew past us on a number of occasions and formed a flock
nearby. Again lighting conditions made
photography difficult. In the distance
we could see a massive flock of Wigeon. A flock of Knot flashed in the sun as they flew over the bay. In front of the geese we reckon that the
flock of Golden Plover amounted to
between 2,500 to 3,000 birds. They were
quite a spectacle when they all lifted.
In front of the Golden Plover
were large numbers of Bar-tailed Godwit
which lifted too and flew to a more distant area. Such was the pleasure in watching the flocks
of geese and waders we stayed in this one spot far longer than we had
planned. The usual Red-breasted Mergansers were in the water below us. We eventually said goodbye to the very
confiding Robin which at times was
at our feet and we made for the area near St Cuthbert’s Island.

A few of the Brent Geese
We again watched the flock of Brent Geese which were close by.
Any decision about attempting to get closer for photographs was soon
made for us as some dog owner allowed their ‘pet’
down into the area and frighten off the geese and any waders that were
nearby. I expected dog owners might have
a little more sense and respect when on the island, but sadly my expectations
are clearly misplaced as far as some
are concerned! There were more Red-breasted Mergansers nearby.
We visited the viewing tower which hadn’t been quite
finished on our visit last year. That
extra height really does add a great deal to the vista. Unfortunately we didn’t find very much apart
from Eider Ducks and Cormorants on the water and in any
event it was so warm in there that the scope steamed up!. I think it is the first time I haven’t found
Red-throated Diver here. One or two of
out group members did find a distant Salvonian Grebe later. Thankfully we weren’t troubled anymore during
the day by thoughtless dog owners and we headed for the harbour where we found Oystercatchers, Dunlin, Turnstone and Rock Pipits. A few landscape images were taken before we
visited the new building overlooking the Rocket Field. Numbers of Teal were surrounding the pools.

The scope was dropped off before we headed down the Straight
Lonnen where we spent some time admiring the farmyard ‘chicken’ collection
which includes some stunning birds. We
soon had our second brief sighting of Merlin
(a new species for the year list) and a brief sighting of a small number of Fieldfare (my first of the
autumn). As we sat down and took a break
for lunch we watched five Roe Deer
across the fields. Skylark, Meadow Pipits and large numbers of Curlew were in the area as was at least one Kestrel. I got my eye on
what I put down as a flock of Linnet,
but later having spoken to another member who had been able to take a closer
look it seems that they were Twite. I believe we had missed a Blackcap as we were
probably to busy admiring chickens. On
the whole there were few small passerines about and certainly nothing that
anyone would mark down as a rarity, which to be honest didn’t concern us at
all. Whilst I appreciate we all have our different focus, having
read recent threads on a certain forum concerning mad dashes to Shetland and
elsewhere for twitching purposes, I feel I have nothing what so ever in common
with the folk involved in this type of birding.
Much more my style is a relaxed day on Holy Island.

'Like me haircut?'
The pond was fairly quiet, although the hide was
chockaa. Teal, (although not the large flocks I had seen there last year)
were about, as was a single Shoveler. I got my eye on four overhead Whooper Swans. By now the warmth of the day was vanishing
and being replaced by cold air which seemed more suitable for the time of
year. We found out that some members had
sighted a pod of Dolphins of the coast (probably Bottled-nosed Dolphins). Well, we’d had the pleasure of Dolphins last
year so were where happy with our sightings this time around.
We stopped of at Budle
Bay on the way home
taking in the best of the light before darkness began to set in. The highlight was the stunning sight of a Little Egret in bright sunlight and
image reflected in the water. I added Shelduck and Grey Plover (I’d overlooked the ones on the island) to my day list.
We headed for home as the sun lowered, but still shone
on Holy Island. I fell asleep for a few minutes on the
coach. A great day, as always.