20th Oct.
The RSPB group trip to Holy Island set off from Newcastle on what was happily a mist free
morning. I knew that the weather of
recent days would not be conducive to large falls of birds on the island, but
to be honest if I had my choice of spending six hours on the island in decent
clear weather or foul weather, I’d definitely pick the former for this type of
trip. I have been there during the
latter type of weather also. For Sam and
me in particular, it was planned as a birding and photography day, so chasing
rarities on the island was not on our agenda. There is of course plenty of good birding to
be done and good habitat to take in on Holy Island,
even on a day which some would consider quiet.
If we were to come across a rarity, that would have been an unexpected
bonus for us.
The outward journey was uneventful apart from catching up on
some chat and we were soon crossing the causeway with the sun shining on the
remaining pools of seawater. Our
‘baggage’ was shared out between the two of us.
That is to say, Sam kindly offered to carry some of my photography gear
as I’d felt like a mule the night before on testing my ability to carry
photography gear, scope, tripod and assorted bits and pieces. The scope was a priority today for at least
part of the walk we had planned.
A favourite vista
We started at the point where I have previously seen
Long-eared Owl. There was no sign of one
today and the bushes/trees here seemed to have been cut back. One of our first species seen was Barn Owl however. I also picked up a very distant Peregrine Falcon perched on the sands, which showed better and better as the
light improved, and a pair of Kestrels
flew and hovered beside us. I’d named the
day ‘Mission Brent Goose’ as Sam had
been keen to see these having seen his first single Brent Goose in Colywell Bay
last weekend and we were soon rewarded
with good and fairly close sightings of numbers of them. We had numbers of them flying past as well as
on the ground. A large skein of Pink-footed Geese flew overhead. There
was a very large and unmistakeable flock of Golden Plover which
stretched for a lengthy distance across the sand before lifting up into the
air. Other waders seen included Oystercatchers, Grey Plover, Redshank,
Curlew and large numbers of Bar-tailed
Godwits. When we walked around to St
Cuthbert’s Island we found two Red-breasted Mergansers. One Small
Tortoiseshell Butterfly was seen
on the wall of the school.
Numbers of Grey Seal
were stretched out on the sand and on watching the sea several heads of Grey Seal bobbed up now and again. The waters were unusually quiet I thought,
with the largest number of birds being Eider
Ducks. We did find a Red-throated Diver showing really well
close to the shore and a Razorbill. I felt wader numbers in the main seemed down
in comparison to previous visits, especially Grey Plover. The beach in the harbour held Ringed Plover, Grey Plover, Redshank
and Curlew.
The Farne Islands were showing nicely in the distance
Wasn't it David Copperfield who visited a family who lived in an up turned boat?
As we’d walked around to the harbour the rain had begun and
it was feeling cold. Now that was
definitely not on our agenda given the forecast for sunny weather. The rain didn’t last very long and the
positive side of this was the views south across the water were stunning as the
sun partially shone down onto the sea through various shades of grey cloud. This area does give a favourite Northumbrian
view of mine as I look south towards Ross Bank Sands and Bamburgh Castle. Ross Bank Sands is on a list of places to
visit this winter. I was told to be
careful where I point the binoculars if I go in the summer as the beach is used
by naturists. Now I never knew that! I suppose I could go naked and then no one
would complain binoculars or not.
Although come to think of it maybe complaints would be forthcoming. When the sky began to clear the view of the Farne Islands
and Bamburgh Castle
were excellent as was the sight of Lindisfarne
Castle. After picking up the usual Pied Wagtails near the harbour it was
time to drop the scope onto the bus, nay, nay…coach! We then headed down the long lonnen where we
intended to take lunch. I’m surprised
that on such a wonderful day so many decide to have their lunch on the coach
rather than in the open air. Well I
suppose it was better than heading to the cafes and I’m guessing a few cups of
tea were sold today!
The lonnen proved to be very quiet both of birds and people
although we had sightings of a number of Goldcrest. The flooded conditions accounted for numbers
of people turning back I reckon. Sam and
I aren’t put of that easily, although one area was especially difficult to get
through and we both ended up with wet feet.
We heard that there were Short-eared Owls about so we stopped at a good
vantage point for lunch. We picked up
the likes of Grey Heron, flocks of Lapwing, Teal and Curlew, Skylark, Meadow Pipit and Linnet. We believe we may
have seen Merlin, as well as Kestrels. I was very surprised that there were so few
people about today given the really good weather. The afternoon was very warm
Short-eared Owll Pellet I believe. Look closely and you may be able to ID remains.
We eventually reached the reserve area and took in the sea
from the dunes whilst watching three Short-eared
Owls. As I looked out to sea I
picked up a Dolphin swimming south,
then another and another. For once the Short-eared Owls were forgotten as we
watched the White-beaked Dolphins surfacing
and on several occasions breaching. They
were moving quite quickly southwards.
However we had great sightings of them.
It was difficult to be exact with numbers as the pod was well spaced out,
but we reckon that there was at least eight White-beaked Dolphins, and I would say every likely more than
this. As far as I’m aware only one other
member of our group saw them, but he did agree on at least eight dolphins. This was a first sighting of Dolphins for Sam and the first time I
have seen more than a couple together in UK waters. This was a great and unexpected sighting and
my best ever cetacean watch in the UK.
We were delighted and this has to be the sighting of the day! This proved to be one of those natural events
that make you realise why watching wildlife is so exciting and why you should
always be on the lookout for the unexpected.
We did think about trying for even better views, but decided instead to
head out of the dunes and watch the three (or was it four?) Short-eared Owls from an appropriate
distance. Sam had found what we believe
is a Short-eared Owl pellet before
actually sighting the owls. Full marks
for observation there. Sam managed
decent photographs of the White-beaked
Dolphins given the distance between them and us.

Distant Short-eared Owl over the dunes.
Courtesy of
Samuel Hood. One of the White-beaked Dolphins. If you look closely you can see the splash of another and the fin of another. Great experience.
The area of the Lough brought us large flocks of Teal, several hundred, and I believe only an odd Wigeon.
We did get the chance to photograph Goldcrest
near to the hide. I didn’t manage to
match Sam’s recent images of Goldcrest,
but I’m still more than happy.
A few of the hundreds of Teal near the Lough
An obliging Goldcrest near the Lough
By now it was time to take a slow walk back towards the
coach. Six hours were flying by! We’d seen only a few of the group members
throughout the day. Where were they all
I thought?
Every now and again we would come across something worth
photographing, including poppies, and as we got nearer Lindisfarne Castle
the light seemed rather good for photographs of it. I’m hoping some plans for a photographic expedition
to the island in the future may come to fruition.
Poppy by the wall
A good way to reach the end of a great day on the island.
Back at the coach someone spotted a Great Skua fly by, but
unfortunately that was missed by us. I’m
also aware that at least one Snow Bunting was picked up by a member/s. Surprisingly only an odd Redwing had been
picked up. I had seen Mistle Thrushes just after we had arrived.
We seemed to make a quick get away to head for Budle Bay
for the customary short stop there, but not before seeing the Sparrowhawk flying near the village. We’d spent six great hours on the island and
I’d never at any point felt rushed.
Bay was fairly quiet in
comparison to previous visits. We were
rewarded with the likes of Little Egret,
a flock of Barnacle Geese, Shelduck and Goldeneye which were all new for my day list of species.
Common Buzzard
was seen from the coach as we returned to Newcastle
as the sun set. I remember on one
previous trip to the island as a group we had a group day list approaching
ninety species. No group list was done
today for some reason, or if it was no one shared it with me, but I’m sure it
would not have approached such figures.
Numbers just didn’t seem to matter today on what had been a very special
day as far as I’m concerned. The
sighting of those White-beaked Dolphins
will stay in my memory for sometime to come and ‘Mission Brent Goose’ had been a massive success. Thanks to Sam for the usual interesting chat
and good humour along the way. :-) It
was one of those days that you feel your returning home having truly spent the
day in the wild and with nature.
21st Oct A bird count on Killy Lake today
produced the likes of One-hundred and forty Mute Swans (plus one dead Mute
Swan in the reeds which is going to be removed), seventy plus Canada Geese, thirty-one Greylag Geese (most of which have just appeared), a pair of Shoveller, two female Goldeneye and one Goosander, the pair of Great Crested Grebes (rapidly heading for winter plumage and which we are surprisd to see are still about) and four Little Grebes, plus numbers of other regular waterfowl.
Addendum. I now
see there was a large movement of Dolphins past the Farnes on 21st