One thing almost guaranteed after a heavy downpour/storm is
good clear lighting conditions. This
week’s heavy showers have often been followed by sunshine and bright
light. I took advantage of this to watch
the butterflies on the Buddleia. The
quickly growing Buddleia in both front and back gardens, if not entirely giving
‘nature a home’, does encourages visits from a wide variety of
insects. This week alone I’ve noted the
following butterfly species often in numbers on the Buddleia, or at least
passing through the garden……….Small
White, Large White, Green Veined
White, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock, Red Admiral, Comma, Speckled Wood and Holly Blue.
After one downpour I took the chance to photograph one of
the pristine Peacock Butterflies. I remember that Rob de Jong, expert
lepidopterist who we stayed with in Hungary said that his favourite
butterfly was the Peacock, and it is easy to see why this should be the case.
Peacock Butterfly
Whilst not my best side, my reflection can be seen quite clearly in the rain droplets
A spider begins work on a new web.
And the pace soon quickened.
Happily the Blackcaps that nested in or very near to the garden his year, appear to have survived and now moved on. Blackcap song and garden visits have been quite regular this spring and summer.
Seeing eye to eye.
It's great seeing literally eye to eye with insects! It just shows what a huge difference the macro-lens makes.