29th April
Ha! Ha! said the clown
Has the king lost his crown,
Is the night being tight on romance
Ha! Ha! said the clown
Is it bringing you down,
That you've lost your chance
Has the king lost his crown,
Is the night being tight on romance
Ha! Ha! said the clown
Is it bringing you down,
That you've lost your chance
Lyrics by Manfred Mann
With the harr coming off the sea and reaching well inland I
wondered if our planned trip to the coast would go ahead today especially when
someone who had been down there told me ‘you’ll
see nothing down there in the fog’.
Sam and I as all weather birders decided to go anyway on the
basis that at least some migrants might be held down by misty conditions, and
so it was that just after 4:00pm we set off from the summery and hot shores of
the patch and headed to Whitley Bay which could have been another continent
such was the change. Temperatures had
plummeted by the time we stepped into the air at Whitley Bay Crematorium
grounds, but to a large extent at least the mist had cleared. We found nothing
more exciting than Willow Warbler in
the grounds along with one or two other expectant birders walking rather
aimlessly around. Sam will get his lifer
Wryneck sooner or later so there was no problem. We’d lost our chance, but nothing brings us
down. The earlier conditions seemed to
have kept the crowds away, which was good.
I eventually put on a couple of more layers and we were off.
We clocked our first Wheatear
on the golf course and the next one in South Bay
along with Rock Pipits and Pied Wagtails. These were the first of several Wheatears that we saw this
evening. One female Wheatear feeding on
the path, but staying within a safe distance in front of us whilst giving a
nice sighting, until folk approached from the opposite direction and the bird
took off into the fields. I reminded Sam
that Wheatears are definitely in my
top ten favourite bird species. We were
able to get close to the feeding Turnstones
and Sanderling and I’m happy to say
the few folk about respected our space which rarely happens down there when
there are more folk about. The waders
were looking good in changing plumage.
Onwards to the wetland and willows area where we found a
number of singing Common Whitethroats,
numbers of Goldfinch and the odd Reed Bunting, but little else. Skylarks
were singing continuously over the fields.
We stopped for a 'chat' near the second shooting mound with a
fellow birder who was looking for the reported Whinchat. After he had moved on I caught sight of a
bird drop into the bushes on the mound.
We hung around for a while and it paid off as a male Whinchat eventually flew up and perched
in front of us giving the sighting of the evening. I would have called the other birder over, but
he had by then disappeared. We then
spent some time with the Fulmars
which was another highlight of the evening.
The birds were flying close to the cliff and directly over our heads at
times. We had a chat about seabird
colonies and made some tentative plans to visit them.
We searched the area near the harbour at Seaton Sluice and
we were rewarded by a brief sighting of Common
Redstart before it disappeared into the undergrowth and unlike the Whinchat before it, this bird did not
make a re-appearance whilst we
watched. I was also quite surprised to
find we still have Purple Sandpiper
with us.