It was March
1913 when writer and poet Edward Thomas set off from his home in Clapham to
walk westwards to Somerset in pursuit of spring. The book that describes his journey and his gradual
finding of the early signs of spring became a classic of English literature,
and although that work will not be to everyone’s taste, I found it to be an
excellent, refreshing and relaxing read.
I was reminded of Edward Thomas and his pursuit yesterday, as we slowly
wandered in relaxed mood around part of the patch. Spring has of course yet to arrive, but it
was one of those mild bright days that suggest winter will not be with us
forever. I must confess that even as
someone who enjoys the crisp clear days of winter, I don’t ever remember
looking forward to the coming of spring with quite so much intensity, nor
feeling the depressive effect of bitter and dismal dreary winter days so acutely. Edward Thomas found that these teasing mild
days are often followed by wintry spells and I’m sure we have some of those
still to come, but best to enjoy the good days while they are here.

Honeybee on Crocus
Insects were
about in some number and bird song was beginning to fill the air as we checked
out trees again around the area of the village.
The birdsong that was most noticeable was that of the Song Thrush
and Robin, with one or two Wrens in full song too. A Great Spotted Woodpecker hammered
away high in the trees of the church grounds.
Bullfinches were heard occasionally about the area, but sadly
none in full song, and both Greenfinch and Siskin flew above our
heads. Mistle Thrush was heard
and seen and a small number of Redwings were also recorded.
Orange Ladybirds
The crocus
and snowdrops were attracting insects and a notable sighting was what I believe
was a Honeybee visiting the crocuses.
There was a scent of spring in the air, stemming from the earth and
plant life beginning to show. The
dormant Orange Ladybirds that we had found recently on the gravestone
had disappeared, but Sam had been given information on more to be found on
another gravestone and these were quickly detected, all fifteen of them. The Orange Ladybird is expanding in
number now that it has adapted to Ash and Sycamore trees of which there are
plenty in this area. I have noted that
this species of Ladybird thrives on white powdery mildew that forms on leaves
and may feed on small aphids. It did go
through my mind that if I were to focus attention on a small area of our patch,
the church grounds and the immediate area that adjoins it would be a good spot
to choose. I intend to keep watch here
throughout the seasons, more so than usual.
Male flower. Alder.
Bark of Alder
We spent a
good deal of time checking out the trees and examining their buds and other
aids to identification. I am making a
little progress! Two species given
particular attention were Alder and Hazel.
Both Monoecious, that is bearing both male and female flowers on the one
plant as opposed to Dioecious where there is distinct male and female plants. The tree pollen was certainly abundant when
we shook an Alder branch. We had to
clean the pollen from our clothes. Alder
has an important symbiotic relationship with nitrogen fixing bacterium which is
found in root nodules. The bacterium absorbs
nitrogen from the air and makes it available to the tree, which in turn
provides the bacterium with sugars, which it produces through photosynthesis.
Female flower of Hazel
Male flower of Hazel
We looked at
many other species of tree before setting off towards the lake.
Bud of Ash
Bud of Lime sp
Bud of Goat Willow
We have both
watched Great Crested Grebes on the lake for many years and know it is
about this time of year when they show up.
Having said that we have found that in recent milder winters these birds
often stay throughout the year leaving only if the lake freezes over. Happily, we were able to watch a Great
Crested Grebe in perfect breeding plumage as it called to attract a
mate. We only saw the one bird, however
that is not to say another wasn’t hidden in the reeds. There will certainly be a pair showing soon
and that will no doubt bring another harbinger of spring, the photographer! As we watched the Great Crested
Grebe, calls were heard calls from Little Grebes. Look here if you want to see some fine images
taken by Sam of Great Crested Grebes.
Bud of Hornbeam (Fastigiata)
Three Oystercatchers,
now regulars at the lake, were calling in amongst the many Canada Geese,
and many Goldeneye remain.
We had
walked for three hours without covering much of a distance, so won’t be out
doing Edward Thomas, but nevertheless we had seen much of interest on what was
a wonderful quality day.