3rd Nov.
We attended the NHSN talk on Slugs and Snails this evening. My verdict is, yes you can make a talk on
slugs and snails interesting and fun and I think the rest of the audience,
which was approaching one hundred, would generally agree the talk was
excellent. I have the book lined up for
winter reading. It’s the New Naturalist Slugs and Snails by
Robert Cameron.
5th Nov.
Sam and I headed north to Drudge, on what was a very cold, bright
autumnal morning, where the highlight on East Chevington North Pool was a Slavonian Grebe. We walked from the Country Park down to the
mouth of the burn at East Chevington, which if nothing else warmed us up. We spoke to several birders/photographers
here including AJ, who had arrived for the showing of the Twite and Shore Lark. There were now two Shore Lark showing very well in the sun along with a flock of Twite at times showing equally well,
the flock numbering around eighty birds.
After returning to the Country Park, instead of heading for Druridge
Pools and Cresswell Pond we decided to travel to Mitford with the hope of
finding the Hawfinch. No Hawfinch seen
on this attempt, but it was worth going for the autumnal colours. We also took time to look around the church
grounds as Sam has family links to Mitford.
I too have links which are more tenuous and fleeting in the great shape
of things. We made off to Big Waters.

Autumnal Colour
There was no sign of the pair of Red Crested Pochard at Big
Waters, but we did see a family of Whooper
Swans and were given directions by MF to the field where the Red-breasted Goose was. I know this bird won’t be listed but I’m
guessing it to be as wild as the Red-breasted Goose a few folks made their way
over the border to see while ago. :-) Does this bird have a ring on its leg or
not? I’ve read conflicting
thoughts. We did think we could see a
yellow ring, but could it have been a trick of the light? From Big Waters we made for Prestwick Carr.
I’m sure someone has stretched the long straight road at
Prestwick Carr, or maybe I was just tired!
It was Late afternoon by now and very quiet, although we chatted to two
or three birders out to find the Great Grey Shrike. During our walk we saw both Redpoll and Bullfinch and heard Willow
Tit. Before we reached the turning
for the sentry box we looked northward and with my naked eye I picked up a
white smudge in the distance. A view through the binoculars suggested Great Grey Shrike and this was confirmed once we got the scope onto it. Sam and I decided to continue towards the
sentry box in the hope of getting a better sighting. We did get a very good sighting as the shrike
perched for a long time in the bush. The
light was fading to an extent, but seemed to offer perfect conditions for
watching the shrike. I guess this is the same bird we watched in
January and in previous years.
Record Breaker. Tallest Goat.
So, a good day with some good sightings. We made off as the light dimmed even more and
the temperatures seemed to drop considerably. The red flags were flying, so if the sentry
was in his/her box I hope he/she had a flask of tea with him/her. We reached
the car and were glad to get into it out of the way of the smell of the usual
leaking gas which was especially bad today.
I figured that we had walked quite a few miles today, so the
availability of a car hasn’t made us lazy.
I thought of Prestwick Carr at a time when the likes of Thomas Bewick
and later Henry Baker Tristram would visit, when the area was far greater and
undrained. I did do a bit of reading
about this area prior to leading a walk there a few years ago so know that it
has an impressive bird list.
9th Nov.
We made north again today, this time in the direction of
Lindisfarne. Again, it was a bright but
cold day. Before reaching Lindisfarne we
stopped off at Budle Bay where the highlights were 3 Little Egret, Grey Plover,
several Bar-tailed Godwit and large flocks of Shelduck.
Morning light
As we approached the causeway at Lindisfarne the sun lit up
the water to south of us. I don’t think
I’ve ever been to the island and not had, at least part of the time,
spectacular lighting conditions and today was no exception. We stopped before crossing the causeway to
admire the family of Whooper Swans
accompanied by one Mute Swan, and to
watch at distance the flock of Brent
Geese. It was a good start to our visit on what bird
wise turned out to be in general a very quiet day. We stopped again to explore the Snook and the
massive area of the shore now that the tide had ebbed. This is a wonderful sandy beach and we had it
all to ourselves until a couple joined us with their dog. By now the wind was up and sand blew low over
the beach giving a desert like effect. I
almost forgot that we had to walk back and this time face into the wind! Small pieces of vegetation floated across the
area in the wind and looking back at our tracks I found the dunes behind me lit
by the sun and a rather odd effect appeared along the sandy beach, where
possibly because of blowing sand and other small particles of debris, there was
a multitude of colours in areas along the sand.
I couldn’t change lenses on the windswept beach, but in any event these
kinds of images invariably don’t reproduce what you see at the time, therefore
the view remains, but a very good memory.
We found the historical site which I must learn more about and walked
back following tracks in the dunes, not an easy walk. We’d seen little in the way of birds, but it
didn’t matter. It was atmosphere that mattered,
and we did find a lone Ringed Plover,
Linnets and Rock Pipits, and the
occasional Grey Seal watched from
the sea.

Whooper Swans
I was feeling tired before we had even reached the island
car-park, but after we had had a hot drink and a bacon sandwich I was back to
my normal self and ready to go. We
visited the Priory, something neither of us had done for some years, before
setting off past the vicar’s garden and around to the harbour. It was very, very quiet, in fact as quiet as
I’ve ever seen the island. Passerines
were scarce, there was few waders to be seen and there was little on the sea
apart from Eider Ducks, Cormorants and
the occasional Shag. Curlews
were few but in the harbour, we found Grey
Plover, Redshank, Turnstone and
Bar-tailed Godwit. A rather torpid Red Admiral Butterfly attempted to warm
itself near the upturned boats. There were few birders on the island, but the
occasional one that we did bump into reported little.
Red Admiral Butterfly
We walked past Gertrude Jekyl’s castle garden, something I
don’t remember doing in the past, and onwards towards the sea. A short sea watch brought only Razorbill and Gannet. As we walked back
towards the village we watched a female Kestrel
hunting over the hedges. It became
apparent to us that the Kestrel
would wait until we had walked past birds in the hedge which were then disturbed,
and the Kestrel would swoop low over
the hedge. This continued until we were
at the end of the pathway. The Starlings and Curlews in the field were certainly disturbed by this. The seems to have learned this technique to
perfection, although we didn’t see it catch anything.
We saw the occasional Fieldfare
lift from the hedge trees, but it wasn’t until we reached the coach car-park that
we saw numbers of Redwing and a
fewer number of Fieldfare.
We were one of the last cars to leave the island but within
plenty of time to miss the incoming tide.
There were again very good lighting conditions across the mudflats but
again few birds. We did have very good
close ups of sunlit Curlews and Redshanks, but had left the cameras in
the boot. We were luckier that we had
the cameras in hand when just before leaving the causeway and heading for home
a small skein of Pink-footed Geese
flew in our direction.
Pink-footed Geese
There was more to visiting Lindisfarne than birds and Sam
and I agreed that we had experienced a good day and it was a shame that we had
to leave behind what was going to be a very impressive sunset.
10th Nov.
We end as we begun with attendance at the NHSN for a presentation by
photo journalists Ann and Steve Toon whose images where of excellent
quality. Mainly of African wildlife, but
not completely so, as there were some from the UK and Thailand. The talk was slanted towards conservation issues
and included such items as the removal of Rhino horn in attempts to prevent
poaching, and the vasectomies of Elephants to control numbers, controversial
subjects indeed. Once again there was a
large audience present.