16th Nov.
I was tucked up in bed this morning when I was suddenly woken by the
doorbell. For a few seconds I wondered
why the postman was disturbing my peace so early in the day. Looking at my clock and realising it was
after 7:00am I suddenly remembered that I had told Sam that we ought to be off
to Newcastle early in the morning as we were co
leading an RSPB trip to Dumfries and I felt we
ought to be there before others arrived.
My mobile rang and sure enough it was Sam at my door! Fortunately I had prepared my gear the
evening before, so hopefully I wasn’t too long getting ready. I grabbed a banana and placed it in my pocket
(for breakfast) as I left the house and was almost fully awake as we arrived in
Newcastle for
the off. Everyone was on the coach, so
we left pretty quickly without ceremony.
I’m still not sure what happened to the alarm clock! Maybe it is cream crackered, or maybe that is
just me.

We were heading initially for Loch Ken, Dumfries
and hoping to find Greenland White Fronted Geese in great surroundings. The morning was quite grey, but dry and
pleasant enough. After a few problems with road works and diversions we were
all soon watching Red Kites, Common
Buzzards and a skein of Pink-footed
Geese as we approached the car park at Loch Ken. The late autumn fall meant that leaves of
varying colours remained on the trees and the smell of pine at times filled the
air as did the calls of the Red Kites. The latter sound as I told others, being like
my attempts at whistling. I’ve never been able to whistle. I can’t whistle, but I can appreciate
wonderful habitat and Dumfries still has
plenty of that. Sadly I have to say
that North Tyneside Council seems intent on destroying what green habitat we
have left in our home area (see latest planning proposals), but my comments
about that will be left to another post.
There was limited time at our disposal so the focus was at
first on finding Greenland White Fronted Geese.
Unfortunately we failed in the attempt to do so. Either these birds had moved to another area,
possibly Threave as Sam suggested, or they were well hidden. This is the first time in four attempts that
I have failed to see these birds in the area.
The group had to content themselves with the large flocks of Greylag and Canada Geese, along with large numbers of Wigeon, smaller numbers of Teal
and the odd Goldeneye. A small flock of Whooper Swans added to the cast.
It looked like a family or two.

Sam and I along with others decided to leave the viewing
platform and take the path into the wooded area. Birds seen or heard included Great Tit, Coal Tit, Blue Tit, Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Great Spotted
Woodpecker, Jay and a good number of Fieldfare
were showing well, with the odd Redwing
in amongst them. Parties of Linnet were from time to time flying
over the open areas as were Goldfinches. The most numerous birds in the hedges and
trees appeared to be Chaffinches,
with only the odd Greenfinch
showing. Most of the time we had Red Kites and on occasion Common Buzzards showing. A Kestrel
hovered in front of us and on the return walk a Sparrowhawk was seen. A
flock of over one hundred Lapwings
flew around the area and at times when flying above a Red Kite individual birds would drop from the flock so as to mob
the raptor. I understand some members of
our group had found Red Squirrel. Sam
and I returned to the viewing platform hoping that we might find the White
Fronted Geese before we left, but again we were not in luck. We returned to the coach with the sound of
gun shot from the shooting party echoing around the area.

Time had been limited at Loch Ken as we were aiming to be at
the Red Kite feeding station at Bellymach Farm well before the feeding actually
began and I’m pleased we managed the timings very well. A few members had not been to the Loch Ken
area and most had not visited Bellymach Farm.
In fact this was my first visit to Bellmach. Sam and I are very much aware of the pros and
cons of such feeding stations for the Red Kites. I’m pleased to say that this brought some
questions from one or two members and I was pleased to be able to express my
views. Over the centuries before health and hygiene
took over our lives there would have been areas where waste products would have
been left and this would have attracted large concentrations of Red Kites and
other scavengers. I would simply ask the
question, are the feeding stations any
different? I also feel very strongly
that anything that captures the public interest and manages to excite them
about raptors and wildlife in general has to have many good points, and
Bellmach Farm certainly does this. I was
pleased to hear the points raised however as these trips should not be simply a
‘coach trip out for the day’ but they
should focus the minds of participants on wildlife and conservation matters and that was
what Sam and I had tried to achieve today.

On arriving I counted at least sixty/seventy Red Kites already circling the area,
with one or two perched in the trees.
They were soon joined by a number of other kites and we estimated at
least one hundred Red Kites were
flying around us. I have certainly not
been surrounded by so many Red Kites
before and found it a really great experience and I had the feeling that most
of our members felt likewise.
The lighting conditions in general were not good for
photography but I was reasonably happy with a few of my images. The great benefit was just being amongst the
birds and also watching the surrounding area as the light from a weak sun
occasionally lit small areas on the hills, of what as a whole is a very
picturesque place.

I’d like to think that no one was disappointed. Hawkshead Photography was visiting with a
group at the same time as our selves and I spoke with an old friend of mine J
who I hadn’t seen for years. J is very
much involved with the Red Kites in our own area. Sam
and I also spoke at length to Callum who was representing the RSPB. It was good to be able to talk about the
needs of the Red Kites and about the problems that they have faced since
re-introduction. Callum was extremely
positive about moving forward with regard to raptors in general and seemed to
feel that the initial evidence is suggesting that the issue of vicarious
liability is having a positive effect in parts of Scotland. Let us hope that this will one day soon play
a positive role in the rest of the UK!
I gained the impression that there are ongoing and amicable discussions
amongst various groups and organisations.

Incidentally, 2013 is the 10th Anniversary of the
Red Kite Trail in Dumfries and also the tenth
anniversary of the first chick Red Kite being produced following the
reintroduction programme which has been such a great success in the area,
although as Callum informed me they did have there initial share of poisoned
birds in the area.
It was soon time to leave as darkness wasn’t far away, so I
knocked back my Cappuccino. Sam and I
had really enjoyed our day and it had been good to visit an area that appeals
greatly to both of us and have some interesting discussions along the way. Our thanks go to everyone we had contact with
on the day. I’m sure we’ll be back to Dumfries soon. The
Red Kites and Whooper Swans were of course our star birds of the day.

By way of preparation for the day I’d re-read ‘The Red Kite’ by Ian Carter. This book was published in 2001 so does not
cover the re-introduction of Red Kites in either Tyneside or Dumfries. It does discuss the introductions in southern
England and northern Scotland and is
a very informative read. It’s a book
that can be easily read in two or three days.
I often find books concerning ornithology/birds/nature are either aimed
at the complete novice and therefore assuming the reader knows very little, or they
are dry and scientific and therefore damned hard to sit down and read. This book is published by Arlequin Press and
I find in the main that their books meet an ideal compromise and are aimed at
the likes of me. I’ve now started to re-read ‘The Barn Owl’ Colin Shawyer which is from the same series of books.